2-Bay Networked Docking Charger
Networked Charging Station for docked charging, storage and battery status for any combination of two SB900B batteries or ULXD1, QLXD1, AD1 (bodypack) or ULXD2, QLXD2 or AD2 (handheld) wireless transmitter.
The SBC220 2-Bay Networked Charging Station enables docked charging and storage for any combination of two sb900b batteries or ULXD1, QLXD1, AD1 (bodypack) or ULXD2, QLXD2 or AD2 (handheld) wireless transmitters. When the connected to a network, the charging status of each transmitter can be viewed remotely while the transmitters are in the charger, using Shure Wireless Workbench® Management software. Up to four SBC220 units can be linked together to share power and network connectivity.